Watersurface exhibition. Procida 2022 – Italian Capital of Culture

Procida 2022 - Italian Capital of Culture

An exhibition conceived to highlight a global problem: plastic pollution in the oceans and seas.

An exhibition to bring to light, the theme of environmental pollution.

The Watersurface exhibition has the dual purpose of presenting the work of three internationally renowned underwater photographers Nicholas Samaras, Pasquale Vassallo and Guido Villani and of giving impetus to the fight against plastic pollution that grips the seas and oceans around the world.

By 2025, the oceans will contain one ton of plastic for every three tons of fish, and by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish. In the Pacific Ocean, between California and Hawaii, floats a plastic island of 1.6 million km2, more than 400,000 times the surface of the island of Procida.

According to the Beach Litter research by Legambiente, the Mediterranean has about 670 waste for every 100 linear meters of coastline. Plastic represents 95% of waste in the open sea: on the seabed and on the beaches of our peninsula, 134 species of fish, birds, turtles and marine mammals are victims of plastic ingestion.

From the earth the water is born from the water the soul is born…
It is a river, a sea, a lake, a pond, ice and so on …
it’s sweet, salty, brackish,
it is a place where you stop and travel,
is pleasure and fear, enemy and friend,
it is boundary and infinite,
it is change and immutability, memory and oblivion.

from the book Fragments
VI-V century BC

The video from the opening of the exhibition.

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