“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Andre Gide
Scheduling a trip in an important diving destination may be considered complex and expensive. Packing for a trip is always challenging. Changing flights with special scuba diving and underwater photography equipment is stressful and tiring. You always worry about your precious things while you are anxious on arriving to plug all these batteries to charge and unpack everything. Liveaboards aren’t always comfortable. Sometimes you are exhausted, sometimes you get sick even before you complete the dives. After a four dives day the only desire you have is to eat and sleep to be ready for the next day, even if you are in a paradise on earth with golden beaches and coconut trees! Few people can understand why all this luggage contain only three t-shirts and a jacket.. This is how underwater photographers travel! But every destination deserves it because every journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your soul and all proofs are in your memory cards. Every time you take with you a piece of each place of each dive to show the world.